
About the project

The project "Upgrade of existing and construction of second track on the Križevci – Koprivnica – state border railway line section" will completely reconstruct the existing track and build the second track of the railway from Zagreb to the Hungarian border.

In this way, HŽ Infrastruktura continues with the modernization of the Mediterranean Corridor, which through the Port of Rijeka, Zagreb and Budapest, connects the Iberian Peninsula with the Hungarian-Ukrainian border, and thus with the single Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T). It is part of a project to establish a high-efficiency double-track railway for mixed transport from the Hungarian border to the Port of Rijeka.

Project objectives

The project plans to construct the second track and reconstruct the existing track from Križevci to the Hungarian border. Project tasks are executed on the extension of the second track and the reconstruction of the existing track from Križevci to the Hungarian border. A speed of 160 km/h will be enabled, with a limit of 150 km/h in Lepavina and 100 km/h in Koprivnica, since those are urban areas with specific restrictions. The new double-track section will follow the existing route with the exception of the Carevdar – Lepavina subsection. The total length of the Križevci – Koprivnica – state border with Hungary section will be reduced from 43.2 km to 42.6 km.

Project activities

The project envisages:

  • Reconstruction of 2 railway stations: Lepavina and Koprivnica
  • Construction of a new railway station Novo Drnje
  • Reconstruction of 4 railway stops: Majurec, Carevdar, Vojakovački Kloštar and Sokolovac
  • Construction of a new railway stop Peteranec and conversion of the existing railway station Mučna Reka into a railway stop
  • Construction of 7 bridges, 1 gallery and 3 viaducts of which one will be a wildlife crossing
  • Construction of 8 road overpasses, 3 road underpasses and 9 pedestrian underpasses
  • Construction of arched and parallel roads along the railway route
  • Works on the construction and reconstruction of the contact network and other electric power plants such as electric traction plants, power supply plants and outdoor lighting at railway stops and stations
  • Works on installation of new elements and devices on the signaling-safety, traffic-control and telecommunication system

New platforms, canopies, pedestrian underpasses and parking lots for cars and bicycles will be built in railway stops and stations, and easier access for people with reduced mobility will be provided.

The works are being performed by company Cengiz Insaat Sanayi ve Ticaret A. S., with which a Construction Contract was signed on 12 March 2020. The value of the Contract is EUR 322.4 million (excluding VAT).

Supervision of the works is carried out by the Association of Economic Entities, which consists of the companies Centar za organizaciju građenja d.o.o. and DB Engineering & Consulting GmbH. The contract for the provision of supervision services was signed on March 23, 2020. The value of the Contract is EUR 5,045,220.00 (excluding VAT).

Planned completion of the Project: In 2025

Project financing

The project is co-financed by the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) – transport sector. 

Grant Agreement was concluded on 6 October 2016 between the Innovation and Networks Executive Agency (CINEA), based on the authority given by the European Commission and HŽ Infrastruktura.